Sunday, December 23, 2007
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boredom busters
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I was just going through some of the writings from this past summer by the girls. Here are two of my favorites and as usual, I'm not correcting's more fun that way!
In this story, Gracy was given the first line and had about 3/4 of a page to finish the story.
Leave the cooking to me and this is what you'll see...
A huge feast of nothing but foods from China! Such as: Tea, egg drop soup, crabmeat rangune, and fourchen cookies. Also we will eat with none other than chop-stiks! It will be so much fun we will decorate the house like China. After dinner we will have CAKE! (ok, so cake is not from China I made it myself.) It will be double chocolate! (chocolate on the inside chocolate on the outside) So I have One question for you. Do you whant to eat at my house?... ...What? Your alergec to Chines food? Oh! Okay, we could make grilled cheese instead! Hey where did you go?!
Directions on page read (and no, I did not add emphasis): Think of a shape. Write a paragraph describing it without telling what shape you chose. Have a friend read your paper and guess the shape.
It is black and wite and eats grass and is lion's food to hunt for. And its on Madagasgar.
(at the bottom of her page she wrote something says "Anser: zebra"
Monday, December 03, 2007
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Maggie has always been that kid that asks funny questions. She's asked me things like, "Do I have a birthday EVERY year?" and "Mom, when you were little were pencils invented yet?" or one of my all time favorites, "Mom, did you have cars when you were little?" Sometimes I think she's outgrown this stage. Then we have a conversation like the one this evening during Social Studies homework...
Maggie: Momma, were you born yet in 1607?
Me: No! Why?
Maggie: That's when Jamestown was settled.
Me: Were you wondering if I was around when Jamestown was settled?
Maggie: Yeah.
Me: What did you want to know? Maybe we could look it up together.
Maggie: I dunno.
Monday, December 03, 2007
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kids activities
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I try to make an effort to include the girls with the preparation of supper. It's not always easy and usually takes more time. But the time we get to spend together makes it worth it. This year school has been a bigger deal than either of the girls were ready for, requiring extra time spent on homework and less time in the kitchen with Mom. But today I decided to give them a mini break from homework to help out with dinner. Here's what we concocted today:
1/4 c butter
1/3 c chopped onion
1/3 c flour
couple dashes of salt
couple grinds on the pepper grinder
1 box (16 oz) fat free chicken broth
3/4 c milk
2-3 cups (a small Ziploc freezer bag full) of leftover turkey
1 cup carrots (we cut ours like coins)
1 cup frozen peas
Saute onion in butter, salt & pepper. Stir in flour. Add 1 c broth & milk until bubbly and starts to thicken. Stir in turkey, carrots, peas & remaining broth. Heat through (I think it took 15 minutes or so because our turkey was still a bit frozen).
We enjoyed our "Turkey Stuff" (yes, that's actually what we named it) with Gracy's cornbread muffins. I was wishing I would've stopped to pick up salad ingredients, that would've made it perfect!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
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kids activities
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After a snowball fight with some of the neighborhood kids and some hot chocolate, we put up the Christmas tree this afternoon. It's our standard fake we've had since the girls were little bitty. It's the old school kind where you've got to put each branch on individually and fan them out. And the tree throws me over the edge each and every year - which is why I begged Cherie to put the stand together this year :) Every year I consider throwing it out instead of packing it back up. But honestly, aside from it being a pain, there is nothing wrong with it.
This year the girls asked if they could make the ornaments for the tree instead of hanging up the stored ones in the boxes. So, we gathered every arts & craft supply in the house and invited a couple of neighbor girls over. The girls and Ben went to town creating all kinds of ornaments. I am happy to report the fake tree is about half decorated at this point. It has been draped in ribbon, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, beads, noodles and aluminum foil.
What can I say? I've always wanted a themed tree. I just didn't expect the theme to be "art supply drawer"!
Monday, November 26, 2007
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Gracy went with her dad and step-mom to Kentucky this week to see her uncle, cousins, and grandparents. Maggie also spent Thanksgiving with her dad, step-mom & family, only they got to stay in town. I'm excited for them that they were able to go and have fun with family. But I really missed having them around. Holidays without my kids never quite seem like holidays. Yet somehow I have a feeling that by Tuesday it'll feel like I need a break! Ha ha! :)
Friday, November 16, 2007
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You need to get dough, tomato sauce, a spatula to spread the sauce, an oven to bake your pizza in, a pizza tray and any toppings you like. (Except candy) You need cheese. Step 1, open the can of sauce, form the dough to a pizza form. Step 2, spread the sauce on dough, sprinkle toppings on sauce. Step 3, put pizza in oven and wait until pizza is done, then you can and should wait until pizza cools off. The End.
P.S. Ask your parents to tell you the temperature for the pizza.
By Maggie
Thursday, November 01, 2007
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Having the girls in a Christian school means lots and lots of fundraisers. I am thankful that their school goes through extra effort to keep the fundraisers varied and semi-exciting. This fundraiser was awesome. The kids collected pledges for a walk-a-thon. Any child that was able to collect $100 got to throw a pie at the principal. An additional $25 or $50 earned a 2nd pie for a teacher of the student's choice. Needless to say, the girls got on the phone right away and hit up everyone we know. Thank you to all who donated. While the "prize" of getting to throw pies at school teachers is an awesome treat, the fact that you all helped support their awesome school is the true reward. Oh, and the added bonus...the school raised enough collectively that the principal will be spending the night of November 9th on the roof of the school! I have to say, his level of commitment is impressive...Sleeping on the roof in this thank you!!!

Gracy clearly enjoyed her pie!

Maggie's smile says it all!

Even Pastor had a few pies thrown his way!

Mrs. M...Way to hang in there!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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It was the first year for both Maggie and Gracy to play volleyball. The season started out a bit rough...but they did win a couple of games in the end. How awesome is it that both of the girls had the honor of serving the game winning point in the 2 games they won!
Gracy was quite outgoing, and was faithful in yelling "READY!" before each serve. She also yelled, "OUT!" whenever she thought it might be out - even if she was on the other side of the court and the ball was really in... :) the beginning of the season she had some trouble remembering she was playing. She would sometimes daydream while on the court and let a ball or two land at her feet. Eventually she figured it all out and came out pumped up and ready to play.
And can I just say WOW! about their coach! He has got to be the most patient person on the face of the earth! I don't know how he does it! A girl would try to serve - toss the ball in the air and miss it. I mean miss it completely as if she were swinging at something else. And he would say something like, "Great job! You kept your arm straight that time!" I would be thinking WHAT?! How did you even find something positive to say?! As I told him, this is why God made him the coach, and me the parent biting her nails in the bleachers. I couldn't do that. He is amazing. I'm in awe. As encouraging and positive as he is, the hormonal 4th and 5th grade girls still managed to break out a few tears now and then. Poor guy. He had to explain that coaches need to tell the players how to improve. He deserves some sort of high honorary award thingy.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
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We went apple picking back in September. We had fun trying all the different varieties in the orchard. I'm happy to report that this is the first year I left the orchard with less than 50 lbs of apples. I think I'm finally getting that whole moderation thing...
Maggie likes to climb the trees to be sure she gets the perfect apples

Yes, Gracy is actually talking on a cell phone while in an appletree...someone needs to tell that girl she's not a teenager yet! haha! Actually, she was talking to Pop-Pop, so we'll let her get away with it this time...

My sweet pumpkins!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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Perhaps Ms. Cindy spent too much time with the sunflowers this summer....
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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Ben gives his approval to the sunflower house

This sunflower came out of the ground...let me just put it back in here...

Playing inside the sunflower house is THE BEST!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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This one looked like it had a heart in the middle

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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Check this out...I'm actually standing by the sunflower house...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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Monday, October 08, 2007
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I took an online quiz...that's proof enough for me! Someone alert my kids! They need to know this stuff!
You Will Be a Cool Parent |
 You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need. You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law. While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top. You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant! |
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
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Between all the adventures as of late, it's been a l-o-n-g time since we've been to the pool. The girls were pretty excited to be there. As the time to close drew near more and more people left. Finally, the girls and their two friends were the only ones left in the whole pool! There was a lifegaurd for each of them! They swam around as if they owned the place, having the time of thier lives.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
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We all hopped in the car and visited Aunt Pat & Uncle Dave today. It was so great to spend time with them! The kids had a blast playing in the woods, and walking the dogs, or being walked by the dogs....however you want to look at it. Playing the quarter game with Uncle Dave was also a big hit!
I always leave there thinking we should visit again soon...more often than we have in the past. I never quite understand how time seems to slip away so quickly between visits with those we love.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
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Poor little Gracy spent days and days writing and re-writing this report on her mission trip. She's going to read it tonight at church, and we're going to mold it into her thank you notes she'll be sending out shortly:
Fifth and Sixth graders from all over Wisconsin gathered in Janesville for training. We just happened to be training for a mission called Project Go!
Project Go! is a mission trip for kids to minister to kids of all ages and their parents who need to come to Jesus. Alot of these kids don't have alot of money. We gave them lots of free fun with a message.
We were in training for three days. In those three days we did nothing but practice, practice, practice all of our skits and games. We had to learn to get along. For some it was harder than for others. Pastor Troy taught us how to pray with others for salvation.
Then my team went to Columbus. In those three days we did skits and games. The first night I was in two games: the beach ball game, and the scripture game. Also I was in the skit "You Need A Ticket". I played a rich person! Night two I was in three games: human basketball, balloon relay, and scripture game (there are three scripture games). I was also in the skit "Prodgal Son", I played a bar girl. Day three I was in almost everything! I did four games, three skits, and even got to lead praise and worship with Pastor Holly!
We had a fun time putting on skits and playing games while seeing lives being changed. My favorite part was praying with a little girl to accept Jesus as her savior. I thought it was super fun and I made lots of friends on this trip! I hope I get to go next year!
The End
By Gracy
Friday, August 03, 2007
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Here is Maggie's second attempt at a report on her summer activities...In case you can't tell, we're working on answering who, what, when, where, why questions as well as describing sights and sounds in our papers. Happy reading!
I fished at the Inter Costal Water Way. In North Carolina. I whent in Jily with Gracy my sister, Pop Pop her grandpa. I saw a big fish. I heard crockers thats a type of fish. I also got to tutch fish too. And it felt really scally. I was hot. Really hot and sunny. my favorite part was catching a big carp. It was white, red, and silver. I would tell my friends about it. I whould tell my friends to keep a good eye on the bober. That is the thing that is white and orage. It is higher then the weight that is the black and silver thing under the bober and above the hook.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
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This is Gracy's report on horsebackriding (she tends to leave out spaces when she writes) Enjoy!
Once I went horsebackriding. It was so much fun. I went with my grandparents and my sister Maggie. I was in North Carolina when I went horsebackriding a couple weeks ago.
The horse was a chestnut color with a black tail and maine. He had super tall hooves they almost looked fake. He felt like velvet also he was very tall.
Most people I know say the horse they rode was easer to get on then off, but he was easer to get off then on! Allthough, once I got on I didn't want to get off.
We walked the horse and also jogged the horse. The trainer said when I was holding the reins to pretend there was a box in my hands. Everytime I wanted the horse to turn I moved the box out and put it back. I thought jogging was most fun, but all of it was fun!
The End
By Gracy
Thursday, August 02, 2007
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The following is Maggie's report of Hershey PA. I kept all of her spelling in tact for everyone's enjoyment:
In Jily it took two days to get to Hershey Pencilvanea. I went with My sister cecilia, and my step-mom Dawn, and my dad. We saw stors with Hershey sherts and a ten pound Hershey chockolete bar! We saw lights that look like Hershey kisses. And the Hershey factory. My favorite is the ride inside with singing cows and a cow that took your picture. Also they were macking the worlds largest Hershey kiss. What suprissed me was that they have Hershey kiss lights. Also the ride show's you how they mack Hershey kisses. I whould tell my friends about my trip to Hershey pencilvanea. I am a ofisal taster that was my job. I also got a workers badge. Fresh chocolet tastes better then regular chocolet.
By: Maggie
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
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Happy Birthday to Maggie!
My big 9 year old got (in her words) "the worst birthday present EVER" today. Chicken Pox. Poor little girl is some sort of medical miracle and came down with her THIRD case of chicken pox right on her birthday. She spent most of her first day being 9 crying and sleeping...I suppose this will call for a decent birthday party as soon as she's better....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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The sunflower house is huge! The first picture has both the girls hiding in the sunflower house. I noticed later that I was cool enough to get my shadow in the shot...
I had to stand on my tippy toes to get the photos of one of the few flowers that started to open up.
I can't wait to see it in full bloom!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
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Ok, so the girls and I saw this and we all agreed...
Uncle Stevie can wear a kilt - he's from Scotland. All the rest of you...well...get over it. Skirts are for girls!
Friday, July 27, 2007
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I knew the month of July would be a busy and strange one. First Maggie went to Massachusetts, then Gracy went on her mission trip. Ben spent a week with his grandparents, and then the girls left to go to North Carolina.
I thought I was going to get all this stuff done without the kids in various stages. I've come to realize two things..
#1 The less kids, the more work - Especially if the one gone is the oldest. The younger kids follow the lead of the older kids. When left by themselves, the younger kids almost seem lost. They can't think of games to play, books to read, and even make a decision about going to the pool is tough. They also require just as much socialization. Only now instead of the talking being split between me and the other kids, it's all me.
#2 Any plans made to accomplish major tasks while children are gone will not get done - Its like there's an alarm that goes off somewhere. Sarah's made plans to FINALLY do xyz task, the kids are gone....disaster must strike somewhere else to distract her from accomplishing this and all other tasks on the list...It's crazy, but during a time when I should have been able to accomplish extra, I seem to have accomplished less!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
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My apologies...I've failed to keep up on my blog...The past couple weeks are still swirling around in my head. I've added a couple posts below with the dates they really should've been posted as the title.
The girls have been in North Carolina for a week all ready, and I miss them terribly. I know they are being loved and having a great time though.
As usual, Gracy ended up getting sick, and needed to make a trip to the doctor when she got down there. Middle ear infection. That girl gets sick every time she goes there! She's been getting better though and almost has no cough left. -Maggie's working on the sympathy cough though! I almost forgot about that one since schools been out she hasn't really needed to use it...
So far they have gone to an aquarium, a zoo, a serpentarium (yes...snakes and lizards), a civil war battlefield, a car ferry, the beach, several pools, fishing, mini-golfing and horseback riding. I'm not positive that activity list is complete...they've been keeping so busy I get tired just listening about the adventures! Tomorrow they are heading to Myrtle Beach. Gracy's favorite tourist trap there is the Ripley's Aquarium.
As I understand it, in effort to save time making their beds, they've taken to sleeping on top of the covers, using only their small baby blankets they insisted on packing to cover up with. I'm glad to hear their creativity is still intact.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
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stranger danger
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This morning I put my 2 baby girls on a plane by themselves. Ok, they're not babies...they are 10 & almost me they are babies - especially to be left in the hands of strangers.
I am fighting with myself to stop thinking about the potential problems they could have during the next few hours.
I've talked to a bunch of people who have flown as "unaccompanied minors" and they all assured me their experiences were pleasant. The girls and I went over "stranger danger", being "buddies" at all times, and recognizing airline staff by their uniforms.
I did my best to not wear my fear. I kept an up-beat attitude. Talked about how cool it would be to fly just the two of them. How they could be extra responsible and read their books while in flight. They packed healthy snacks in their carry-on. I tried to focus on the "fun" part of it. I didn't express my concerns to ANYONE so they wouldn't over hear me and get worried themselves.
Yet somehow my very insightful 10 year old knew I was worried. She just called me from the plane. She just wanted to let me know that they made their connecting flight, and they are just fine. She'll call again when they land.
Part of me is SO proud of her. She's a mature 10; responsible, full of awareness and control. Part of me is so sad for her. Have I somehow robbed her of a normal childhood? Has all my worrying and constant reminding about strangers & safety caused my little girl to act older than she should?
There is a clueless girls never really had that. From the time they could understand, I've made my girls aware that "bad guys" don't always look like bad guys. They can be girls, friendly, and wear a suit.
I see other people's kids...they walk up to strangers (adults) and introduce themselves, ask how their day is going, etc. The parents say, "He's so friendly" and smile. I freak out inside. WHY WOULD YOU TEACH YOUR KID IT'S GOOD TO TALK TO STRANGERS?
Those kids wouldn't have called from the plane at 10 years old.
Again, I'm thrilled she called. I don't have to worry they are wandering an airport waiting for the next flight (which is what happened the last time I flew into that airport). I know that they are safe. No one has tried to grab my babies. They are still together and happy. I just wish I could have hid my fear from them a little bit better.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
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Gracy came back from her mission trip with a new excitement. She made a ton of new friends, gained confidence, prayed with a couple little girls to ask Jesus into their hearts, and has almost completely lost her voice. :)
My tiny blog entry doesn't really tell the whole story. I'm planning to have her write a summary to post after she gets back from her trip to North Carolina, so stay tuned!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
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My sister Saddie and I had the chance to get together for a fun picnic with our little ones...well, Lennon is a little one...Maggie just thinks she is.

It was good to see Maggie finally getting over the fact that she's not the "baby" when he's around. I think she secretly enjoyed being the big kid that was wanted and then pulled around. She got to push the water button on the sprayers for her younger cousin. (That's him squinting under the water sprayers)

He paid her back by pushing her on the swing.

Then they raced back and forth across the bridge, giggling all the way.