Bags & Bean Sprouts

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

We've been busy! Here are the fronts and backs of the bags we decorated. We're planning on using them for trips to the library. Lately we've all been checking out more than we can comfortably carry-AND reading them! So hopefully this will be a nice solution. The only thing I think would make them better is if they had a little pouch of some sort inside of them to hold a library card. If anyone has any ideas on how to put one in, please let me know!

As some of you know, when we tested Maggie she was only at the 2nd grade level in both Science and Social Studies. We've been working hard all summer long to get caught up. She finished the entire year of 2nd grade and just started on the 3rd grade stuff. She's pretty excited. And it's fun to see her getting excited and understanding subjects that used to make her cry. This is an experiment from her latest book. She's growing bean seeds in wet cotton (or scraps of my old Grateful Dead shirt-whatever) for a couple weeks. Checking and charting the progress each day. Of course this sounded like so much fun that Ben and Gracy had to join in on the action!


Anonymous said...

So, if you flip it inside out and go to walmart and buy cloth napkins (they have lots for cheap that come in all different patterns) you can hand stitch it in. (i made a purse from a place mat and some napkins. its pretty nifty)
little bird

Sarah said...

I can't wait to try this out. THANK YOU!!!