School Space Complete With Desks
Sunday, September 21, 2008 Posted In homeschool Edit This 0 Comments »
A couple of weeks ago the girls had said it would be fun if they had desks like at school. At first I thought they were pulling my leg. Seriously?! Then I sort of dismissed the idea because we have no room for them. Then...
Yesterday I was dropping off Maggie's sleep over friend when I spied a couple of school desks on the side of the road. $4 each. How could I pass this up? They were exactly what each of the girls wanted. Gracy wanted a desk with a thin solid top and a small basket for books below the plastic chair. Maggie wanted a desk with the lift up top and the storage space below the writing surface. And amazingly, these were the two desks staring at me. I just happened to have the cash in my pocket, which is a miracle in itself. My friend (THANKS CHERE! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!) was fabulous and picked them up for me in her van and lugged them all the way to our house for us.
But all the way home I kept thinking...I'm an idiot. Now I've gotten the kids all hyped up about having their own desks and where do I think I'm going to put them? Was my brain on vacation? I know better than this. The kids are going to be crushed if I get rid of them...not to mention I'd have to ask someone to haul them for me again. And what a pain!
But Cherie saved the day. (THANKS CHERIE-YOU'RE THE GREATEST!) She came up with this super idea to split the living room in half, making one section a school section and leaving the other to remain the living room. After MUCH re-arranging of furniture and then measuring and re-arranging some more, we finally have a finished designated school space with separate living room.
I couldn't fit it all in one picture, but the couch is obviously in the middle of the room serving as a divider. The desks are in the corners (again, the girls surprised me and picked these locations) with an end table with a lamp and a laptop (THANKS FOR THE LAPTOPS MIMI & POP POP AND SADDIE & KEITH! YOU'RE ROCKSTARS!) next to each of them. The big chair between them is for me to hang out in to do corrections or reading with them, etc. It wasn't in the original plan for the school section, but it no longer fit in the now shortened living room.

Here's what the rest of the living room looks like. It's not very clear in the photos, but there is a blue chair on either side of the couch. Strategically placed so that the girls have no choice but to jump over the couch to go to school. I intend on sliding one of the chairs over to get there, but don't tell them that! It's obviously a smaller living room space than we had. It will take some time to get used to it. But there is plenty of room. We didn't even have to displace the pumpkin that's been rolling around and being used as a chair.
Yesterday I was dropping off Maggie's sleep over friend when I spied a couple of school desks on the side of the road. $4 each. How could I pass this up? They were exactly what each of the girls wanted. Gracy wanted a desk with a thin solid top and a small basket for books below the plastic chair. Maggie wanted a desk with the lift up top and the storage space below the writing surface. And amazingly, these were the two desks staring at me. I just happened to have the cash in my pocket, which is a miracle in itself. My friend (THANKS CHERE! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!) was fabulous and picked them up for me in her van and lugged them all the way to our house for us.
But all the way home I kept thinking...I'm an idiot. Now I've gotten the kids all hyped up about having their own desks and where do I think I'm going to put them? Was my brain on vacation? I know better than this. The kids are going to be crushed if I get rid of them...not to mention I'd have to ask someone to haul them for me again. And what a pain!
But Cherie saved the day. (THANKS CHERIE-YOU'RE THE GREATEST!) She came up with this super idea to split the living room in half, making one section a school section and leaving the other to remain the living room. After MUCH re-arranging of furniture and then measuring and re-arranging some more, we finally have a finished designated school space with separate living room.
I couldn't fit it all in one picture, but the couch is obviously in the middle of the room serving as a divider. The desks are in the corners (again, the girls surprised me and picked these locations) with an end table with a lamp and a laptop (THANKS FOR THE LAPTOPS MIMI & POP POP AND SADDIE & KEITH! YOU'RE ROCKSTARS!) next to each of them. The big chair between them is for me to hang out in to do corrections or reading with them, etc. It wasn't in the original plan for the school section, but it no longer fit in the now shortened living room.
Here's what the rest of the living room looks like. It's not very clear in the photos, but there is a blue chair on either side of the couch. Strategically placed so that the girls have no choice but to jump over the couch to go to school. I intend on sliding one of the chairs over to get there, but don't tell them that! It's obviously a smaller living room space than we had. It will take some time to get used to it. But there is plenty of room. We didn't even have to displace the pumpkin that's been rolling around and being used as a chair.
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