
Thursday, August 02, 2007 Edit This 0 Comments »
This is Gracy's report on horsebackriding (she tends to leave out spaces when she writes) Enjoy!

Once I went horsebackriding. It was so much fun. I went with my grandparents and my sister Maggie. I was in North Carolina when I went horsebackriding a couple weeks ago.

The horse was a chestnut color with a black tail and maine. He had super tall hooves they almost looked fake. He felt like velvet also he was very tall.

Most people I know say the horse they rode was easer to get on then off, but he was easer to get off then on! Allthough, once I got on I didn't want to get off.

We walked the horse and also jogged the horse. The trainer said when I was holding the reins to pretend there was a box in my hands. Everytime I wanted the horse to turn I moved the box out and put it back. I thought jogging was most fun, but all of it was fun!

The End
By Gracy