Ideas Needed

Friday, August 22, 2008 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
OK, I'm driving myself nuts again.

I've been scouring the World Wide Web in search of fun things to do, traditions if you will, for the first day of the homeschool year. I'm looking for ideas to make the first day of school special. I am finding thousands of ideas for traditional school first days...breakfast with the neighbors at the bus stop, busting through crepe paper banners in the front door after school, pictures in the new outfit holding a sign indicating the year. No, I've never done any of these fabulous ideas when the girls went to "regular" school. I wish I had. It's one of my disorders you know...wanting to be super mom...

But seriously, I've been thinking about how Gracy is excited about homeschool, but not...(she's a 6th grader. I think they are required to have multiple views on every single topic that comes up AND feel strongly enough to cry about either opposing view.) And Maggie is excited but, dare I say, cautious. (Being a visual learner she requested if we could just go to different museums every day instead of working in a traditional format) I want to start something, preferably simple, that makes the first day of homeschool special. Something that makes them look forward to it as much as one can look forward to school. I have a ga-jillion ideas for during the year, which, God willing I'll follow through on and post about. But I can't seem to find something that strikes me as a "YES" for our first day. I'm running out of time and trying not to freak out completely about it. All I've come up with so far is letting them stay in their pajamas all day. Maggie has suggested going to a movie, and Gracy has suggested skipping all work that day...ummmm...that would be starting school the next day, right?

If anyone has any ideas please, please, please leave a comment or call me or email me or send me a postcard...anything! Please!