I'm a Big Girl Now, Mommy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Today was one of those days where I realized: Aw, my baby is getting all grown up!

It was Gracy's first official night at youth group. Last week was parent's night so it didn't really count (just ask Gracy). But tonight...with the super soaker & bonfire party to celebrate the end of summer going on, now that's a real youth group night.

She was a bit giddy when I dropped her off. I felt a little weird. I cannot recall many occasions where I have simply dropped her off without going in to-I dunno-what exactly is it that we moms DO when we drop off our children? Look around, make sure there are adults present, smile at the other kids, give our kids the look that says, "You'd better not make shame for the family name"? I'm not sure exactly what it is I've been doing all this time, but whatever it is I felt weird not doing it. But this is YOUTH GROUP. Moms are not supposed to go (according to Gracy).

Maggie & I watched a movie at the budget theater with friends until it was time to go pick our big girl back up. The movie was horrible. Indiana Jones. I'd never seen one of "his" movies. I could easily live the rest of my life not seeing anymore. And so could Maggie. We thought it was B-A-D. But an experience none the less.

Picking up Gracy was a big treat. She was all gushy like only a girl her age can be. She hasn't told me much. "I am officially friends with, like, every person in the youth group now." was one of her few reporting sentences. The tone of her voice reminded me of the time she declared, "I'm a big girl now, Mommy!"-which gave us both a laugh.

I'm so happy for her. She's been really nervous about not having friends now that we've decided to homeschool. And I've been praying for her to make some good Christian friends. And did I mention that I can't believe my little girl is actually in youth group all ready!

Very shortly after I finished this post, Gracy sat down next to me to tell me ALL about youth group tonight. All the fantastic people she met, all their names, how friendly and funny everyone was. "It was way better than school where you sit and look at everybody for three weeks before you are bored enough to start talking. We just started having fun and talking right away!" She's so cute. And then she slipped in the, "Oh, I was sure you wouldn't mind, so I signed up for the youth group's worship team. I'll be singing. So--I'll have to get to youth group an hour early every week." And then, "I can't wait until next Wednesday! Maybe I'll bring __________(a friend from school)."