Grease Lightning

Sunday, July 01, 2007 Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Sundays are floaty day at the city pools. Who knew how much of a workout it is to try to swim with a pool noodle! My arms and legs are killing me! Gracy & I had hours of fun making up games and trying out new tricks with the noodles. I found myself forgetting that I'm a grown up and probably looked pretty stupid flopping around in the water like a kid - but I suppose that's ok now and then.

We came home and had breakfast for supper (waffles with strawberries) & Gracy watched Grease for the third night in a row - can anyone help me get those songs out of my head?!


Anonymous said...

Lots of fun in the water!!! This must have been very special time for Gracy. You are lucky to have a Mom so willing to let loose. It sounds like you both had fun!!!