The Calm Before the Storm

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
This morning was calm and beautiful. I made a cup of tea and thanked God for the beautiful day He created. The sun was bright, there was a cool breeze, the kids were sleeping in, the smell of apple bread filled the kitchen....and then they woke up.

All 3 bounced into the kitchen at about the same time. The extra sleep gave them extra energy - translation: LOUD!

With the first camp of the summer just around the corner, the girls are having concentration problems. Even with a checklist in hand, they needed (multiple) reminders to pack obvious things like underwear and a toothbrush. The giggles I enjoyed. The frustration of trying to get the girls packed for 2 hours I could've done without. But I'm happy to report we finally got out the door & dropped off the goods. They leave Friday morning - and I'm pretty sure they will be a until then. They've never been to camp before. Excitement doesn't get much higher than this!