Reaching for the (Honor) Stars

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Edit This 2 Comments »
During Missionettes tonight, the reality of how much work was required to become an "Honor Star" really set in with the girls. I was a bit worried that when this reality hit them they'd be discouraged. I wouldn't ever force this upon them, but they are just too young to be having their dreams squashed by the reality of hard work. Normally girls have 3 years to complete the steps to becoming an "Honor Star". Because of us not starting with the program when they each entered 3rd grade, Maggie only has 2 years, and Gracy 1 year. I always want to encourage them to acomplish any goal they set for themselves - even if it means extra work to organize things on my end.

When I picked up the girls, they told me how much work this was really going to take. (It's so cute when kids think they are teaching parents something new) But to my surprise, they had a solution. "Instead of working on math, science & spelling could we just work on a badge every day?"

I couldn't say YES fast enough. I'm thrilled that they came up with a solution to their dilema. They didn't give up just because it would take a lot of work. And let's face it, working on badges requires reading & writing with an ocassional math & science thrown in. This is summer vacation, and if they have found a way to have fun and learn at the same time, YES!


This whole experience reminded me of a quote I had plastered on my bedroom wall back in high school. I believe I stole it from Ratt (don't listening to Ratt is an entirely different story). "Don't let your dreams be clouded, aim your sights high, search your true feelings and reach for the sky"

Yes, there is probably a billion Bible verses I could've stuck in here instead - but honestly - this was the first quote that entered my brain...Apparently I need to spend extra time reading the Word to erase previous damage. Hahaha!! :)


Jenee said...

That is so great! I love that they want to acomplish this goal... and not because they are being forced. Hope you have a great time working on it!

Anonymous said...

It appears you are teaching them great problem solving skills and you should be proud. Gracy and Maggie you go for it! I am excited for you and this time I will know which side to sew those badges on. Ha Ha! As soon as you get one I'll sew it on. I love you all so very much!!! Oh and Sarah, you left your past a long time ago. No need to judge yourself just be happy..... God bless
Grandm Christine <><